
second blog assignment

1. Considering the organisational environments (internal, external and new work) and the technology environments (hardware, software and data trends), what current technologies do you predict will have the most impact on the way work is done? Why?

As we know, there are two major environments within an organization, which is organizational environment such as internal, external and new work, and technology environment like hardware, software and data trends. all this environments may be influenced by many current technologies.

An organization's internal environment is composed of the elements within the organization, including current employees, management, and especially corporate culture, which defines employee behavior. Although some elements affect the organization as a whole, others affect only the manager. A manager's philosophical or leadership style directly impacts employees. Traditional managers give explicit instructions to employees, while progressive managers empower employees to make many of their own decisions. Changes in philosophy and/or leadership style are under the control of the manager. The following sections describe some of the elements that make up the internal environment.

The technology environment including hardware, software and data trends. As the hardware shows that batch processing predominant, online system emerged, and the development of Client-Server computing. The developmemts on software has improved the productivity of in-house programmers, endusers also can develop their own system. The purchasing of software becoming viable alternative to ih-house development. The data trends show the more developed file management, database management and how an organization manage its data. And its also include how the data transfer and knowledge management.

Work is increasingly conducted in teams of people spread around the globe. For example, products are designed around the world and used by people world-wide. We are interested in how people who are working in global teams reconcile regional differences in needs and requirements and create global products. We are also conducting studies focusing on the relationship between national culture and context and work practices that have emerged

information technologies that employ sophisticated mathematical techniques are reshaping technical work through a process that we call intensification of abstraction. The intensification of abstraction centers on the replacement of the physical by the virtual: the manipulation of symbols that represent and substitute for objects. We investigate the impact of this process in the context of automotive engineering design. Specifically, we study the way in which tools that employ techniques like finite element analysis and computational fluid dynamics are bringing about changes in how engineers think about and do engineering, changes in organizational structures and processes, changes in the nature of engineering knowledge, and changes in the division of engineering labor. We also trace how these technologies alter relationships between automotive firms and their suppliers and pave the way for outsourcing engineering design and analysis.

